

The P.15 machine called Sharpening machine was born to re-establish the cutting capabilities of hard metal inserts of the cutter through rectification with diamond-grinding wheel. The grinding wheel rotation takes place by an electric motor of suitable power housed on a support that slides on sliding blocks and rails with recirculation of spheres covered with anti-corrosion treatment: its position can be adjusted in a vertical way through a hand-wheel.
The cutter-holding shaft is supported by sound bearings that permit to it also to sharpen also large-sized cutters in the absence of vibrations during the working phase. The dividing element assembled onto the cutter-holding shaft is made in tempered steel and refaced so to get an extreme precision that lasts in the time.
The cutter-holding shaft support can slide in the seat of the mobile table without missing the alignment between the cutter-holding shaft and the grinding wheel when you have to change of position to adequate to the cutter length.
Also the handling of the transversal mobile table and of the longitudinal carriage takes place on sliding blocks and rails with recirculation of spheres covered with anti-corrosion treatment
The mobile table shifts through a sphere recirculation screw controlled by a motor-reducer, so granting for a soft and continuous passage of the insert to be sharpened on the grinding wheel with the result of a precise sharpening and perfectly balanced cutter.
The machine makes it possible to sharpen cutters up to a maximum diameters of 255 mm with a number of teeth that is multiple of the number of the teeth of the dividing element assembled onto the cutter-holding shaft. Dividing elements with 15 teeth, 20 teeth and 36 teeth are available.
The precision and practicalness in its use makes of the P.15 a very versatile machine. On the touchscreen on the control panel you enter the number of increases and lapping to be made, after having assembled the tool to sharpen all the sharpening cycle is totally automatic.
The counting of the number of the teeth that are sharpened, of the increases and lapping is displayed on the display so to always have the situation under control.
The machine can be supplied with a air or water cooling system.


In this chapter are described the machine physical and technical features, the features demanded for the various feeding sources, the kind of suitable user and the kind of materials to be used, so to grant for the necessary conditions and the good machine working.

Height 1750 mm
Length 800 mm
Width 1050 mm
Machine weight 270 kg


The data here following listed, describe the machine technical features and the potentialities; its use outside the limits reported may involve damages or bad working that cannot be foreseen,since the project features are not respected.
The machine technical features are:

Electrical Feeding 380 V – 50 Hz trifase
Max. power absorption. 0,5 Kw
Pneumatic feeding 6 bar
Pneumatic absorption 10 l/min
Average sound level 30 dB (A)
Normal operator 32 dB (A)
Power line 380 Volt.