
Automatic trimming machine for heels P.54T, patent model for cutting the outlines of leader, regenerated, faesite, rubber heels (includede the front side).

The machine P. 54T is an automatic pre-trimming machine for heels, which is able to work also the front part “C”. The heel loading is very simple and quick; the unloading is automatic. The use of simple steel templates (or copy) easily interchangeable (with one template, we can make the complete heel serial) and a quick machine adhustment gibe perfect heel trimming resultes, the copy ring is only one and its positioning is adjustable to execute the whole heels size range without changing templates, the materials which can be worked are: leather, leathe boardm faesite, masonite, parea rubber (frozen), etc. and all other materials mormally user for heels production, whose structure and consistence are suitable for trimming process. The heels blocking pressure is adjustable; we have 4 speeds available to be used for the clamp according to the material to be worked. The operator stays far from the tool working area; the good suction system permits to alwiys have a clean working area.
Max output: 400 pairs of heels an hour nearly charging only a heel once. In proportion the output can be increased charging more heels once.


n. 4 tracer point rings in various sozes circular tickness each cut
n. 1 templet
and set-templet
service keys

Air consumtion: 50 l/min
Motive-power: 4,5 HP
Holding mill shaft: Ø 25 mm
Greatest mill assembling: Ø 80 mm
Height mill assembling: 70 mm
Greatest holdfast spread: 115 mm
Greatest cutting, according to te material: 65 mm
Net weight: 700 Kg
Gross weight packed in oltremaare case: 900 Kg
Encumberance siwes bare machine: 1600 x 1500 x 1450h
Encumberance siwes packed machine: 1300 x 1500 x 1550h
Packing volume: 4,85 m3